Sunday, January 18, 2009

Things That Are Beautiful

6:30 in the morning when the city sleeps and my lover is close
Tears that seem to leak from the very sinews of passion
Expensive perfumes
A new dress
The first I love you
the last
Any morning sun that thrusts itself to the valley floor
When the rebirth of a season is the very air I breath
And spring is as holy as an old ghost
as new as the past
Union of body to soul
Or friend to friend
any kind of union
Any kind of mend
Small creatures and the surety of reincarnation in the eyes
Water that looks like glass
deep and green
The first time I will see my children
And all the firsts after
The haunting echo of laughter in my empty nest
The sweet ones I do not know yet
Every comfort of warm skin
to be given
to be taken by the moonlight
Things lain to rest
New words and any understanding
Safe landings and heroic feats
Humanity driven by the moments of truth
by the seconds of death and life, uncouth
The fantasy of adornment due to riches
humbleness that proceeds
And the way it helps me see other souls,
lost as they maybe,
As brothers and sisters of one earth and one big idea
Compassion played out with a heavy hand
and an honest tongue
Questions with answers
Answers with questions
The big wide world of the in-between
the un-seen
The daydream of the boy I want to talk to
And the idea of love
Quiet, passionate kisses
Firsts of the body
The midnight palace
Dancing and eating
Never seeing things as fleeting
Just greeting all the new ones to be had
The name Scarlett
And hope

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