Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Coy Fishes Are Shy Today

Coy fishes are shy today
We came to break the water
With our stones
We came to laugh into our hands
and smell the heat of summer greens
Or just to play
Without the signs of light
Although we were the day
We took our time as it was to be taken
Within our sweaty palms or shaded kisses
A cotton breeze to be the pallet colours
Gently moulding one
So all that is to take us, is the same on which we run
On beaten paths
past the metal of fallen tundra’s
To savoured lakes and here we play again
It was like glass that day.
A silent cup of reflection
Held up by sinuous bark and the excitement of the sky
We are children
In the makings of our past
Who knit the threads of tiny hands
Within the ones we have
You are my lover on this day in the summer
Small devoured hands of each other

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