Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Last Words

If I had one thing to say at the end of my life,
One thing for the record of all who listen,
Would it be the injustices and hypocrisies ?
Or the ever falling presidency?
Would it be the a space between you and me?
All things full of glory .
Good, be it bad or nasty
Or the way you looked that summer dancing in the half light the moon gave.
Maybe it would be the time I spent wondering how heaven could have fallen so close to your eyes and missed your heart.
Or the time we laughed so hard I thought it would surely be the last
Will it be a weary and toiled breath of the weather?
Would I bitch about every letter
I have spoke written and read?
What children I have made and become?
The ill conceived will of an enemy
Or the undone plans of my past?
What will I say to end the time of being?
Will every fear be rested on my bed of guided souls?
Perhaps a fine redemption
One last go at the holy.
Or will it be silence
As I have sought so quietly
Through this loud and soulful parade?

1 comment:

  1. -Pretty close to the top of the list for the last word that is said the most in the english vocabulary, in a mortal accident that you can see coming, is; "Shitttt!!!!!".... HAHAHA

    -As for your last words I can see; "will you miss me", or "give me a hug and kiss", " I love you"... Any other words uttered at that time then those mentioned, and I will ask for an autopsy to see if an alien as taken over your body... HAHAHA

    Nice invocations in this poem...

