Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Dearest Sister Aphrodite

My dearest Sister, Aphrodite.
There is no way I could love my sister more.
She is the me I want to be.
She is my whole world.
My voice of reason.
My Little brothers best friend.
My laughs and my giggles.
She is the best joke I have ever heard, word!
She made me cry in the best way. She was my bright sun shiny day.
My lonely tears and my shoulder.
She is the best sister I have ever had.
Some days I look at her and cannot believe she’s real.
How could I have been so lucky as to have been blessed with a best friend like her?
She was a jell-o butt baby.
She was our saviour.
She taught us all a silent grace, that we could never learn.
She learned us well.
She is the one I cry for.
The one I hurt
I’m sorry sipster.
She is the little angel that hid beneath tree with me on lower bench. And watched a rain storm
She is the one that witness an unfair life yet walks with a presence we can only dream about.
She saved me from my stupors and my heart aches.
She was my martyr of the land shakes.
Dear sister
If your listening, I’m sorry I was a burden on you.
I’m sorry you did not cry on my shoulder as much as I did on yours.
I’m sorry that you ever hurt.
I’m sorry for throwing darts at you.
You are the pot head.
I am the slut.
She told us that she wanted us all to die holding hands.
She was the sand of a calm beach. And always reached for the truth.
I want you to know that we will live forever.
And to never be scared because I am your best friend.
And I will try my best to protect you until the end.
The goddess of love has taught me how to love without borders.
My dear sister.
Thank you for you,
I love you.

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