Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A poem about Joni and Leonard and some other stuff

Black haired miss-giver
For lack of being “MYSELF”
Black man!
White women
Skin was the same
The same, the same
Hearty stomach full of booze.
I lose!
I Lose!!!
But haven’t I lost before?
In the quake of some quiet door?
In the glass of friendly martyr breaks?
I break!
But resume fitful fear upon a floor
The one that is that of one more
The grey I say!
It is not black
And so you ask (as I may ask myself)
To be a fearless rhyme
So here I am…
I touched a tip of fingers as it was a toe
And in between was a heart that said neither
The flesh nor the bone may break
So the heart middle may fake
This place
This commercial comedy

SO again here I again go
I saw her, you know
In a poolside 70’s
She passed me to the Leonard of my head to say
I wish I could go back in time….(so did I)
Clear blue of chaotic 70-’s swept
And I , of course, was left
O wake
To ask, oh heaven forbid, again
Of the wordless world that held her and him

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